Karnataka March 2023


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Karnataka, is known across world for growing high coloured dry chillies. Major area’s are Hubli, Bellary and Raichur. Varieties are Byadgi / KDL, Dabbi, Syngenta 5531, Syngenta 2043 and others.

Area Sowing period Harvest period
 Hubli  June – July November – March
 Bellary July – August January – April
Raichur  July – September  February – May


Karnataka area Rainfall in March 2023.

There was rainfall in Hubli area on 16/3/23 and 17/3/23, for Bellary on 17/3/23 and for Raichur it was on 17/3/23 and 19/3/23. 

There was untimely rainfall in Karnataka in march month. Rainfall was low and it stood just for 2-3 days, so impact of it on crops will be negligible.


Karnataka Market arrivals in March 2023.


March 2023 Summarized


March SpiceExtra Updates:

We have started integration of weather data into our Business Intelligence Software “Hukum”. The way forward for us is to combine the skills of a weather scientist with an Agronomist for predicting yield and quality.

To showcase credibility of our reports we have collaborated with India’s Top Business News paper – The Hindu – BusinessLine.


SpiceExtra is a platform for Research and Development(R&D) initiatives in Dry Chilli. It will focus on Digitizing – Price and Arrivals, Crop survey, Assaying and Branding. Check us at www.SpiceExtra.in




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