It is indeed a great endeavour on the part of Mr Hampali to undertake this project to commemorate the 75 years of our Nation’s Freedom. Not many people would take the efforts and trouble to do something like this, because it is slow and time consuming, and eventually you are sharing your knowledge and experience, without expecting or getting any returns on this.
I would call this a very Noble Gesture on his part to share his experiences and knowledge with the Community, which is also an important Plus point for him towards Community building and strengthening the cause of the. Agri Sector for the Karnataka Chillies.
I would like to wish him all the best, and lots of success to continue with this project and many more for the benefit of the Farmers, the trade, and the Research institutes, who also are in need of serious guidance and direction to channel their work and Energy towards what is. ” Trade Centric” instead of being just Research centric.
Wishing you all the best in your efforts and I Seriously applaud your endeavours now